Go fast, go far

There is this African proverb : If you want to go fast, go alone.If you want to go far, go together. I don’t know exactly what itΒ really means for native African, nor how this proverb related with daily life in Africa.But, I’ve heard and read this proverb many times in talks or articles which used it toΒ explain about team work. In my opinion, this proverb … Continue reading Go fast, go far

So this is live theater..!! At Galeri Indonesia Kaya, before any show begin, we as the audience or they referred us as “Penikmat Seni” – “art connoisseur”, have to sing national anthem Indonesia Raya first.. 😎 The show I watched “Repertoar Kemerdekaan” by Kelompok Teater Kami, is about part of struggle in reaching Indonesia’s independence. Nice experience..!!πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ #theater #indonesia #drama #art #indonesiakaya #kemerdekaanIndonesia

from Instagram: http://ift.tt/2bluz0l Continue reading So this is live theater..!! At Galeri Indonesia Kaya, before any show begin, we as the audience or they referred us as “Penikmat Seni” – “art connoisseur”, have to sing national anthem Indonesia Raya first.. 😎 The show I watched “Repertoar Kemerdekaan” by Kelompok Teater Kami, is about part of struggle in reaching Indonesia’s independence. Nice experience..!!πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ #theater #indonesia #drama #art #indonesiakaya #kemerdekaanIndonesia

Hangout at a happening cafe & resto here.. The cafe’s theme is like industrialis and sells various foods from ice cream, martabak, ramen, to spaghetti and burger… Waiting form my food..!!! #hangout #eathappens #cafe #resto #restocafe #bekasi #indonesia #industrialdesign

from Instagram: http://ift.tt/2bmGF9S Continue reading Hangout at a happening cafe & resto here.. The cafe’s theme is like industrialis and sells various foods from ice cream, martabak, ramen, to spaghetti and burger… Waiting form my food..!!! #hangout #eathappens #cafe #resto #restocafe #bekasi #indonesia #industrialdesign